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Unlocking Peak Manufacturing Maintenance Performance: Overcoming the ‘Reactive’ or ‘Run Till it Breaks’ Pitfall

Maintenance Top 10 11 06 2023 1200 x 627 px 2 Unlocking Peak Manufacturing Maintenance Performance: Overcoming the 'Reactive' or ‘Run Till it Breaks’ Pitfall

In the complex day-to-day execution of manufacturing maintenance, the overall strategic approach adopted can significantly impact operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and product quality. A prevalent issue in many organizations is the tendency to rely on a reactive maintenance model. 

Reactive maintenance, often called a ‘run till it breaks’ strategy, can deeply impact overall productivity and profitability. 

This final installment of our series delves into how this seemingly straightforward approach can lead to numerous pitfalls and the importance of shifting towards more proactive and predictive maintenance strategies.

The Downfalls of Reactive Maintenance

1 Increased Downtime:

Reactive maintenance typically means waiting for a failure before taking action. This approach leads to unexpected breakdowns, which can result in prolonged downtime. Studies suggest that unplanned downtime can cost manufacturers significantly, directly impacting production schedules and on-time deliveries.

2 Higher Maintenance Costs:

The cost of repairing equipment after a failure is substantially higher than regular, planned maintenance. As illustrated by the Caterpillar Company, repairs post-failure can exceed 65% of the equipment’s value, compared to just 5-25% if the issue is addressed proactively.

3 Reduced Equipment Life:

Reactive maintenance does not address the wear and tear of equipment over time, often leading to premature equipment failure and the need for more frequent replacements.

4 Safety Risks:

Emergency repairs, often conducted under pressure, can compromise safety standards, putting workers at risk.

5 Quality Compromise:

Equipment failures can lead to defects in the manufacturing process, impacting the quality of the final product.

6 Inefficient Use of Resources:

Reactive maintenance requires more staffing and resources as technicians scramble to fix problems, often leading to inefficient resource allocation.

7 Lower Productivity:

Every equipment breakdown interrupts the manufacturing production cycle, reducing overall productivity.

8 Energy Inefficiency:

Poorly maintained equipment often consumes more energy, increasing operational costs.

9 Compliance Issues:

Equipment failures can lead to non-compliance penalties in industries with stringent regulatory standards.

10 Customer Dissatisfaction:

Frequent breakdowns can lead to delayed orders and lower product quality, impacting customer satisfaction and trust.

The Shift to Proactive and Predictive Maintenance and Beyond

The shift from reactive to proactive and predictive maintenance is vital to mitigate these challenges. Proactive maintenance involves regular and planned maintenance activities, while predictive maintenance takes this a step further by using data and analytics to predict and prevent equipment failures before they occur.

Benefits of Proactive and Predictive Maintenance

Implementing a Shift in Maintenance Strategy

1 Assess Current Maintenance Practices:

Understand the proportion of reactive, proactive, and predictive maintenance in your current strategy.

2 Cost-Benefit Analysis:

Conduct a detailed analysis of the costs associated with each type of maintenance.

3 Tailor the Maintenance Program:

4 Invest in Training, Development, and Tools:

Equip your team with the necessary tactical and technical skills and tools for effective predictive maintenance.

5 Monitor and Adjust:

Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your maintenance strategy and make adjustments as needed.

6 Leverage Technology:

Use data analytics and IoT devices to predict and prevent equipment failures.

Conclusions for Senior Operations Leaders

Transitioning from a reactive to a proactive or predictive maintenance model requires a strategic shift in mindset and operations. By understanding the pitfalls of a reactive approach and leveraging the benefits of more advanced maintenance strategies, manufacturers can achieve peak maintenance performance, resulting in cost savings, improved safety, and enhanced product quality. 

As we’ve seen from industry leaders like the Caterpillar Company, the investment in proactive and predictive maintenance pays dividends in the long run, both financially and operationally.

Embracing Total Productive Maintenance with POWERS AMP Program

The journey to enhanced maintenance practices is transformative, and the concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) plays a pivotal role in this transformation. TPM focuses on proactive and preventive maintenance to maximize the operational efficiency of equipment. It integrates maintenance into the manufacturing process, aiming to eliminate unplanned downtime, increase productivity, and maintain optimal quality.

POWERS, leveraging its vast experience in manufacturing maintenance, offers a holistic solution with the AMP (Advanced Maintenance Performance) program.

This program provides tactical and technical training and development, guiding your maintenance teams from reactive strategies to predictive and ultimately to Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).

Dive into the POWERS difference. Embark on a journey of maintenance excellence with a detailed Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) analysis, address skill and training gaps, create an actionable plan, and seamlessly implement it. Elevate your maintenance workforce and boost performance with the POWERS AMP program.

For a deeper understanding, download the FREE Maintenance Assessment Guide. Jumpstart your journey to optimized maintenance by contacting the POWERS team at +1 678-971-4711 or email Transform your maintenance practices and witness the tangible impact on your manufacturing operations.

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About the Author

Dr. Donte Vaughn, DM, MSM, Culture Performance Management Advisor
Dr. Donte Vaughn, DM, MSM

Chief Culture Officer

Dr. Donte Vaughn is CEO of CultureWorx and Culture Performance Management Advisor to POWERS.

Randall Powers, Founder, Managing Partner
Randall Powers

Managing Partner

Randall Powers concentrates on Operational and Financial Due Diligence, Strategic Development,, and Business Development.